Monday, March 14, 2016

When it rains, it pours..

Wow, has it been a ROUGH few weeks. It started with the double ear infection and sinus infection. That finally cleared up but I was still feeling almost constantly off balanced. Not exactly like vertigo because I haven't really had the "spinning" sensation. I started vestibular physical therapy almost 2 weeks ago. Yes, PT because of a freaking ear infection! I can't make this crap up! We are working on my vestibular system and training my brain basically how to balance and focus. Crazy right?

I felt like it was actually helping until Wednesday when I came down with a painful toothache. Woke up with some swelling in my face so went to the dentist Thursday morning to determine I had an infection in my tooth that was in the dentists words was "caught just in time before it spread everywhere" Um WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! Anyways, I had a root canal Friday morning. I'm still dealing with a little swelling so I have to go back tomorrow morning to make sure the infection is gone (if not, start new antibiotics) Blah!  I go back next week to finish up the root canal. I'm so sick of all of these appointments and antibiotics. 
I just want to cry, oh wait.. I've done PLENTY of that.

I should only need a few more PT appointments. She says i'm definitely making progress. I just hate not feeling like myself. I never get sick. Maybe I have bragged too much about that and this is karma because let me tell you, when it rains, it pours. This has been one thing after the other. I just can't catch a break. This whole ordeal has definitely made me more aware of an anxiety issue that I've tried to ignore for some time. I'm going to start seeing a therapist and I'm confident it will help by talking to someone. 

Wednesday will mark 5 weeks since I've worked out. Yes, FIVE. I am ready to get better and get back into routine. I mean physically, not yet. But I seriously need to get there. I am being broken down physically, mentally and emotionally. I promised myself no matter what I will step on the scale next Monday which marks my one year anniversary on Instagram and my real turning point in this weight loss journey. My last weighin was on Feb 10th which was two days before this shitstorm started. I'm anxious to see the number as it DEFINITELY won't be in the 170's as I anticipated. Once I get my health back to 100% you bet I am going to have a whole new appreciation for this journey. It's been truly eye opening. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself and being anxious about every damn thing. I need to get back into my routine and know that I am still capable of every goal I plan to crush in 2016. 

Sorry for the novel. If you read this much, I love you. 

Keep sending me happy and healthy vibes! 


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