Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Weekly Meal Plan & My final Weigh-in before "No Scale September"

Hi there! 

First things first, let's get to my weigh-in..  

The scale was actually pretty nice to me this morning after having a pretty crummy week. Busy weekend out of the house meant Mama was pretty out of control. That didn't have to be the case but I just didn't prepare. You know what they say, fail to plan.. plan to fail. Ugh. There also may have been some pumpkinhead beer thrown in there. Hah. Oh and I have Chinese food for the first time in almost 3 months. I felt like complete junk after. Again, lesson learned. I've got to own up to it and move forward. My workouts were pretty terrible too as I was only active 3 days. That's terrible for me. I try to make it habit to move 6 days a week. Three rest days was just ridiculous.
I'm ready to have a kick-ass week. 

Speaking of the scale.. I'm ditching the scale for the month of September. I'm calling it "No Scale September" It will take some SERIOUS willpower but I feel like I owe it to myself. I get so focused on that damn number and I tell myself I won't let it define me but it does every.freaking.time. I let it control me 99% of the time and it's not the attitude to have. Wish me luck! I think I may need to have Brian hide it. I know myself well enough and I won't be able to resist!

I'll be honest, I have a very real fear that saying goodbye to the scale will let me get out of control. I post my weight weekly on my IG (myjourneytofitmama) and I feel like that holds me accountable. I'd like to think my continuing to use MFP, posting photos of food & sweaty selfies will keep me on track. I'm going to take a picture today as well so I can track my progress through out the month. Wish me luck! 

Here's a look at my meal plan for the week.. 

  • Honey mustard marinated chicken on the grill w/ fresh broccoli
  • Fish tacos w/ mango slaw & black bean salad
  • Chicken piccata w/ roasted asparagus 
  • Coconut chicken w/ pineapple fried "cauli-rice" (http://nomnompaleo.com/post/1626071845/another-simpler-version-of-cauliflower-rice)
  • Buffalo chicken taquitos & side salads (http://www.emilybites.com/2015/06/buffalo-chicken-taquitos.html) 
We've got a weekend full of cookouts so less I have to do but I WILL be sure to have a plan and stay on track. There is nothing wrong with improvising but I can't lose control. 

  • Strawberry poppyseed Salad w/ grilled chicken & goat cheese
  • The best ever chicken salad
  • Tuna w/ everything but the kitchen sink
  • Mediterranean quinoa w/ grilled chicken 

Happy Tuesday Everyone! 
